
What is respect, really ?

Para recuperar el respeto por nosotros mismos, deberemos seguir estos pasos: Comienza a respetarte a ti mismo desarrollando conductas de respeto hacia los demás. Sé honesto contigo mismo, ten en cuenta tus propias emociones y sentimientos y cuídalos. Aprende a desarrollar una opinión sobre las cosas y respétala. Para ello, es importante que aprendas a conocerte a ti mismo, a saber lo que sientes y opinas y a tenerlo en cuenta. No te insultes ni te denigres a ti mismo, tanto si las cosas salen bien como si el resultado no era el que esperabas. No dejes que nadie te falte al respeto, es decir, no permitas que los demás te traten mal, te denigren, te manipulen o te hagan sentirte inferior. Cuando esto ocurra, hazle saber de modo asertivo que no vas a permitir dicha conducta. Esta defensa de ti mismo aumentará tu autorespeto de forma inmediata.

Are you trying to make everyone wrong?

Stop doing this to yourself.

What is the difference?

State the emotion. Describe your feeling. Time to think. Do what you need to do to be who you want to be.  Observe what you want to see.  Guide your energy towards the best opcions for the greatest survival on this planet for yourself and those that matter to you.

What matters to you might matter to me too

Nothing matters until we make it matter. We have a basic choice love and respect hate and dishonesty

Relearning values

How is a person who has values? They are that human being who always wants the best for others and acts accordingly; recognizes another person as a pair, respects them and acts in a compassionate, kind and humble way, since they do not consider themselves superior to another being.

Feeling the Emotion

Did you know that emotions and feelings are actually two different but connected phenomena. Emotions originate as sensations in the body. Feelings are influenced by our emotions but are generated from our mental thoughts. Emotions are mental states brought on by neurophysiological changes, variously associated with thoughts, feelings, behavioral responses, and a degree of pleasure or displeasure. There is no scientific consensus on a definition. Wikipedia

Emotions described

Emotions are the same across all humans (for the most part) and even animals: happy, sad, etc. Typically, emotions force us to DO something; because emotions are instinctive reactions they are usually predictable. Emotions are physical, instinctive, observable (microfacial expressions, body posture, tone of voice, sweating, etc), and measurable (brain activity, blood flow, etc).